7 Tips on Pursuing a Master’s Degree While Working Full Time

Juggling full time work with a blog and graduate school can sound daunting. While it is certainly not easy, there are strategies that can lessen the load and make obtaining a master’s degree while working possible. Here are seven strategies that can help you turn the dream of a obtaining a master’s degree into a reality. I recently graduated with a Master’s degree in Business Administration and Marketing from Grand Canyon University last month. It has been the most empowering and life changing experience. I feel like I can accomplish anything especially having such a tough time getting my Bachelors degree. I will sharing ways to manage pursuing a master’s degree will working.

1. Consider Online or Hybrid Programs

If you work during the day, you likely don’t have the flexibility to attend class in person during working hours. Enrolling in an online or hybrid program, however, can give you the flexibility you require. My program was online so I was able to study and keep up with projects and assignments

2. Plan Ahead

If you are juggling a full-time job with full-time study, work and possibly a family on top of that, planning ahead can make all the difference. Scheduling out your vacation days in advance so you can take them around final exam week or when you know you have a big project due can help lessen the stress and allow you to allocate time appropriately. While you are in school it is best to take vacation days here and there as needed as opposed to taking one large chunk of time. This approach will allow you not only to focus solely on schoolwork when it is most needed but will give you a little time to rejuvenate without falling behind.

3. Make Sure You’re Passionate About the Topic You’re Studying

If you are looking to pursue a master’s degree while working, you should be passionate about the topic you are studying. When you are in a master’s program its all about the specialization. So specialize in an area that excites you. Working through a master’s program while also balancing work and family life takes commitment and dedication. If you aren’t passionate about what you’re studying, it is going to be hard to put in the extra effort needed to be successful.

4. Block Out Distractions

Make sure to avoid surfing the web excessively. It’s easy to become distracted by the news or your favorite celebrity gossip site. Stay focused, and avoid Facebook, Twitter, and other social media tools when you need to concentrate on your studies. If you’re struggling to stay focused, then consider the Pomodoro Method. This technique helps with productivity by arranging how you work to increase efficiency. The tool builds on 25-minute work sessions, optimizing your time to focus on your online studies. The best way to use this method is to:

  • Set a timer for 25 minutes and work uninterrupted for the scheduled period.
  • Take a five-minute break to grab coffee, check emails, or do something else.
  • Once you’ve completed four work sessions, treat yourself to a longer, 15-minute break.

5. Reward Yourself

It’s important to reward yourself after a job well done in order to avoid burnout. Otherwise, it will be difficult to concentrate on even the simplest tasks. You can reward yourself by celebrating your accomplishments and treating yourself to something you truly enjoy, whether that’s watching your favorite show on Netflix or going out to a nice dinner and a movie. If you’ve been working on an assignment for several months in a row, then take a week off when you’re finished. Also, make sure your time away from your studies is dedicated to fully enjoying yourself. If you’re mixing work with leisure, then you may burn out making it difficult to get back into your routine. You can also take time out if you plan with you counselor. I took a few weeks off while pursuing my master’s degree.

6. Get a Good Night’s Sleep

Sleep is essential to rest your body and keep your mind fresh for the next day. Try to get seven to eight hours of rest a night. Pulling all-nighters is less productive than studying consistently. Include sleep in your schedule, and you will information so much more.


Tap into your network and return to it often. Your peers are great resources for empathy and emotional support, as well as for practical tips on dealing with the course load of grad work. Don’t be afraid to make virtual friends or ask your instructors for help when it feels overwhelming.

Think of the joy of working on the stage and how proud you’ll be for accomplishing such a great milestone. Remember, you can do anything you decide to put your mind too. I hope this post was helpful.

With Love Always,



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