4 Simple Ways To Practice Gratitude This Thanksgiving

Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus. I Thessalonians 5:18 NLT

November is often referred to as the month of giving thanks, but gratitude is something we should feel in our hearts all year long, not just during the month in which we celebrate Thanksgiving. Gratitude is the recognition of the connections we share with everything: ourselves, other people, and things around us. Here are four tips to help you and your family maintain a strong sense of gratitude this Thanksgiving.


1.Keep a gratitude journal-Take just a few minutes every evening to write down the things you were grateful for today. The more you practice replaying moments of gratitude from the day, the more you constantly seek out and remember those moments.

2. Transform tough situations with gratitude – If this past year has been an especially difficult one for you, acknowledge that. In each difficult situation, our Creator gives us glimpses of hope. It’s the place where God is working all things together for good. It’s where the hidden blessings are stored. They aren’t always easy to find, but they’re always there. I find been it easier to be grateful to God for all the things he has helped me overcome throughout the year.

3. Don’t take anything for granted- Nothing in life is promised, so always appreciate gifts whether big or small. When you appreciate small things you open the doors for greater things to come.

4. Express your gratitude to others. One way to double the power of gratitude is to express it to others. Try sending a text, email or an old-fashioned thank-you card to let someone know when you’re grateful for them or something they’ve done. It feels good to share our feelings of gratitude, and it lifts up those that we are thanking.

Gratitude should not just be reserved for holidays be sure to express it every day in some way.

How do you show gratitude in your daily life?



With Love Always,






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