How To Cope With Losing Loved Ones

I have been taking things slowly. I suddenly lost my both my parents to Covid 19 in January. It was shocking, didn’t have enough time to process. God, my creativity and family has been by my side. I am going to be sharing some tips on how I’ve managed to cope. As this will help someone else.

5 Ways To Cope With Grief

  1. Be kind to yourself – Let your emotions be expressed and released. Don’t stop yourself from having a good cry if you feel one coming on. It’s natural to feel this way. After a while, it becomes less painful. Know that you can (and will) feel better over time.

2. Talk about it when you can. Some people find it helpful to tell the story of their loss or talk about their feelings. But sometimes a person doesn’t feel like talking about a loss, and that’s OK, too. No one should feel pressured to talk.

3. Indulge in hobbies and creative activities – Blogging and doing things I love has been so helpful throughout this journey

4. Block out outside noise – Remove things and people that trigger the drama or unnecessary behavior and arguments from you.

5. Preserve memories – Create a memorial, tribute or foundation to the person who passed away by planting a tree or garden, or honor the person in a fitting way, like taking part in a charity run or walk. Make a memory box or folder that has reminders of the person who has died. Include mementos, photos, quotes, or whatever you choose. If you want, write a letter to the person. In it, you might want to include your feelings, things you want to say, or perhaps thank your loved one for being a part of your life.

I got an orchid from Lowe’s as a way to bring life and radiate the joy I feel within. Time is a good healer, but it can help to acknowledge grief and take steps to heal.

What some ways you’ve found to cope with grief?

With Love Always,



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